15:05 - 15:55

1) Micropuzzling: Implications of slicing web frontends according to Microservices. (Tobias Deekens)

Microservices are an accepted paradigm for backend software systems and show undeniable benefits. However, web applications - especially Single Page Applications - are often developed and deployed as a monolith bearing challenges regarding extensibility and maintainability. This session illustrates practicable patterns for modular web applications from development to deployment. Topics covered will briefly focus on recent evolutions enabling modular web applications and how an split up application can be efficiently served to a browsers. Therefore, the talk will also make brief references to current frameworks to extract their patterns dealing with reusability and compressibility while also pointing out how underlying developments in web standards help lay foundations to fight commonly faced issues. Solutions proposed will also make short references to existing systems developed at E-POST Development GmbH.

2) Automatic Test generation for REST-APIs (Bodo Junglas)

One of the main problems of coordinating multiple development teams in a micro-service architecture relies in API documentation and contract testing:One team has to inform other teams about its APIs and depends on other teams to be conform to the APIs they provide.While there are several de-facto standards for documentation of REST-APIs, creating a reliable in test-infrastructure in regard to conformance and downward-compatible changes is still a challenge.We will discuss an approach for contract testing based on Scala-Check and Swagger.

3) A Microservices approach for Cloud Manufacturing (German Terrazas)

The future of industrial manufacturing increasingly depends on maintaining and expanding a resilient and sustainable sector based on sophisticated technologies, relevant knowledge and skill bases, and infrastructure that has the ability to produce a high variety of complex products faster, better and more cheaply, thus fostering the link across multiple geographically distributed manufacturers, suppliers and customers. In this talk we present our ongoing work in Cloud Manufacturing defined as an approach for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of physical manufacturing resources and capabilities that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. Although manufacturing networks and virtual enterprise models already exist, native cloud architectures such as microservices play a key role to facilitate an optimal, efficient and fault tolerant modelling and implementation of such concept. In particular, we aim to show how our multi-layered Cloud Manufacturing conceptual architecture could be effectively delivered in terms of loosely coupled polyglot services, asynchronous communication and reactive modelling in order to virtualise, search, match, configure and combine a mixture of entities, roles, processes and information of different sorts of granularity from scratch to satisfy specific real world production requirements.

Tobias Deekens

Tobias Deekens

Tobias is working as a front end developer within a cross-functional team developing Single Page Applications at E-POST Development GmbH. He focusses on front end architecture, tooling and testing to increase developer experience. He is also an Open Source enthusiast and loves the open web.

Bodo Junglas

Bodo Junglas

German Terrazas

German Terrazas

Dr German Terrazas is a research scientist at the University of Nottingham. He has expertise in artificial intelligence, distributed systems, optimisation, stochastic simulation, explorative data mining, complex systems and information processing. After working for more than a decade in computer science, German has recently moved to engineering to focus on the research and development of innovative computing and service-oriented platforms applied to the UK manufacturing sector. His current scientific interests comprise crowd sourcing, distributed architectures, virtualisation and data analysis. German’s professional career is demonstrated by his track record of publications, some of which awarded by IEEE, the organisation of international conferences, as well as the edition of books and journals.