Language: English

James’ recent paper on microservices describes nine common things he has seen in organisations using microservices. One of these things is decentralised governance. As CTO’s, developers, architects and operations folk we are often scared of taking on too many technologies. Whether that’s the web stack, persistence or integration. Our organisations standardise on single stack solutions, often because “we’ve already got licenses” or “we only have the skills for xxx”. One organisation that exhibits many of these characteristics has been on an eventful journey over the last few years .This talk is about that journey from single-stack, big governance and high ceremony to polyglot programming, decentralised governance and product teams. With courageous leadership, an enthusiastic technology team and an engaged business the experience has been a transformative one. Come along, it should be fun - there’s even a fluffy bunny.

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James Lewis

James Lewis

James Lewis is a Principal Consultant for ThoughtWorks UK. He has helped introduce evolutionary architecture practices and agile software development techniques to various blue chip companies: investment banks, publishers and media organisations. James studied Astrophysics in the 90’s but got sick of programming in Fortran. As a member of the ThoughtWorks Technical Advisory Board, the group that creates the Technology Radar, he contributes to industry adoption of open source and other tools, techniques, platforms and languages. For the last few years he has been working as a coding architect on projects built using microservices; exploring new patterns and ways of working as he goes. James has spoken at a number of UK and international conferences. His favorite topics range from domain driven design, SOA and the future of the web to agile adoption patterns and lean thinking. He’s also heavily involved in the fledgling microservice community. He rather likes the fact that he got to describe his take on things jointly with Martin Fowler in an article that is influencing how people see the future of software architecture. Sometimes he blogs at